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Safer Gambling Week 2024: Promoting Positive Play

Safer Gambling Week 2024: Promoting Positive Play and Industry Support

Safer gambling week is upon us once again but what does that mean for the gambling industry and those who play? 

For gambling companies it is an opportunity to engage with their customers and promote the various tools that are on offer to help players manage their gambling spend, their time spent gambling and their access to gambling.  

For consumers it is a chance to have open and honest conversations about gambling, break down the stigma associated with gambling and gambling harm and learn how to use safer gambling tools effectively to manage their play. 

There is no “one size fits all” solution to gambling safely. To achieve Positive Play the consumer needs to understand where they may need a little help or a safety net to ensure their gambling remains withing levels they are comfortable with. This is often linked to financial spend and there are tools such as setting limits available, but there may also be a need to manage the time spent gambling through session reminders, the speed of play and probability of winning by understanding a games volatility (we refer to this as gambling literacy) and finally access to gambling by being aware of what devices or the venues you use to gamble and how easy your access to them is. 

The gambling company needs to provide an environment where the above is readily available and there is sufficient information and support to help consumers use the right safer gambling tools. This would be found on an operators safer gambling pages and their customer support teams would also be pleased to help. 

To support further with this at Better Change we have put together a few tips below to help players to achieve Positive Play. 


Before you play decide what games you want to play, how much you are comfortable spending and when it is time to walk away. 

Open and honest 

Are you open with others about your gambling? If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to others, at least be honest with yourself. Are you happy with your level of play? 

Safety net 

Back up your plan by using safer gambling tools to positively re-enforce the boundaries you set. It’s easy to get carried away whilst you are actively gambling. 


Take time to learn how your favourite games work and understand the rules of gambling. Keeping informed will help you avoid common gambling myths and fallacies. 


It’s not just about money! gamble for an amount of time you are comfortable with and balance gambling with other activities. 


Let’s talk about gambling! Conversations about gambling are healthy and can help to reduce stigma. It is especially important if you are worried about your own or someone else’s gambling. Remember if you don’t feel comfortable speaking with your colleagues there are professional organisations that can help from Employee Assistance Programmes to other specialist sources of help (see Sources of help). 


Games can vary depending on speed, stake and risk. Find a level of play you are comfortable with. 


Gambling should be a recreational pastime. It is not a way to make quick money or alleviate financial issues. Take time to think about your gambling and use the tools and support around you to ensure your gambling is safe and fun. 

Good safer gambling and positive play works best when gambling companies and consumers work together and safer gambling week is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the support and tools available. 

Have a great week and Play Positively 

Rob Mabbett
Rob Mabbett
Rob joined Better Change from the charity Gordon Moody where he spent 5 years helping to raise their profile and ensure sufficient treatment spaces were available to meet demand. With over 11 years industry experience, including being a previous winner of the Racing Post and SiS Betting Shop Manager of the Year award, Rob is a keen advocate of the gambling industry and brings a unique insight into the prevention and treatment of gambling harm. He is keen to focus his efforts further upstream in his role at Better Change aiming to prevent gambling harm through Positive Play.

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